Art School Confidential Exhibition at OAG (April 20-September 22, 2024)

Ottawa Art Gallery

Blue Girl is presented asa three-channel installation in Art School Confidential from April 20 to September 20, 2024.

"Art School Confidential celebrates five decades of Visual Arts at the University of Ottawa, representing the work of 50 artists who have taught and studied in the historic building located at 100 Laurier East since 1974. That year, artist, educator, administrator, and creator of the Canada Council’s ground-breaking Art Bank Collection, Suzanne Rivard Le Moyne, arrived at the University, where she brought together a formidable team of artists – several of whom had been her students at L’École des beaux arts in Montreal – and important art historians, to become the founding faculty members of the Department of Visual Arts.

As part of a bilingual university, the Department is unique among Canadian art schools: a dynamic and artistically productive site of exchange among artists and students from diverse language and cultural communities. The Department has largely been a hidden gem within the city of Ottawa, despite the many critically-acclaimed accomplishments of its artists and the wide-ranging impact of their works both in Canada and abroad.

Curator: Penny Cousineau-Levine
Assistant Curator: Chloë MacLeod-Boucher
French Translation: Marie-Camille Lalande
Editing: Rebecca Basciano, Véronique Couillard, Rachelle Dickenson, Meghan Ho
Exhibition Designer: Sam Loewen
Installation: Jennifer Gilliland, Dan Austin, Rob Keefe, Mark Garland"